Under Accelerator Driven System(ADS)conditions,large number of hydrogen and helium will be produced through(n,α)and(n,p)reaction,respectively.In the past,there were large studies on the He-implanted materials but less on H-implanted.Because H could not be retained at high concentrations and diffuse out at higher temperature.However,there were past works which find that He-H synergistic effects will enhance swelling and hardness of some F/M steels in a temperature and doses range.Nevertheless,it is not clear that behaviors of SIMP steels which are considered as one of the candidate structural materials under He-H synergistic effects.Therefore,we did a single He+and double beams sequential implanted experiment to study what influence of pre-implanted H+on the nucleation and growth of bubbles at room temperature.Then,ion implanted specimens were investigated by TEM(Fig.1).