Ecocriticism with a greening promise originating first in U.S.A.has developed into an international and multicultural movement.Interdisciplinarity is its defining feature,and both transnationality and trans-civilizationality are its increasingly obvious features.Thus ecocriticism in a sense is an interdisciplinary and transnational,even transcivilizational literary critical movement.We could safely say that there exists much affinity between ecocriticism and comparative literature because the latter is an interdisciplinary,transnational and transcivilizational study of literatures,and that 'inter' or 'trans' is its defining feature.About the significance of interdisciplinarity of ecocriticism,American pioneering ecocritic Joseph Meeker first discussed in his work The Comedy of Survival,and Glen A.Love also talked a lot in his work,and regarded it as its defining feature,but less about others.Here,I will chiefly focus on its transnationality and cross-civilizationality.Then,how can we step over national and civilizational boundaries to effectively carry out ecocritical studies in a legitimate way? The methods and approaches of comparative literature could provide ecocritics much guidance.In the meantime comparative literature also profits a lot from the interdisciplinary hybridization with ecocriticism.From academic point of view,the integration of comparative literature and ecocriticism is a mutually beneficial academic strategy for both.For ecocritics,especially for the Western scholars,cross-cultural or transcivilizational approach could help them discover different cultural eco-models or ecoparadigms which do not operate within or are even opposed to the paradigms of the Western world,including U.S.culture,understand the various ways other peoples interpret and deal with nature,and listen to 'the voice in the margin'.The crosscultural or trans-civilizational approach also could help correct the prevalent superiority complex of Western scholars,who often equate the particular with the universal.On the other han