The long standing and well established Chinese tea culture creates intricate aesthetics on both substantial and spiritual aspects,where tea sets definitely serve as an important carrier.Purple-clay teapot from Yixing is recognized as one of the best of tea sets.What are the unique characteristics and the underlying science of the highly praised Yixing purple-clay? Taking the advantage of advanced technologies,we investigated purple-clay teapots from the scientific perspective,including the micro-morphology,thermal diffusivity,trace elements,bacterial inhibition,etc.As discovered by experiments,the special micro-porous structures of purple-clay teapots ensure the excellent air permeability;the typical thermal property enables the temperature preservation of tea;the characteristic materials of purple-clay enrich trace elements in water,leading to improvement of the quality of water to some extent;in addition,the distinctive design of purple-clay teapot effectively depress the entrance of micro species,resulting in the highly reduced fermentation of microorganisms.The immaculate design and the unique composition of Yixing purple-clay teapots not only enable them to benefit the taste and healthiness of tea,but also endow them infinite art enchantments.