The ultimate value of cultural production should be realizing human’s comprehensive and free development,and deconstructing the ultimate value would result in human alienation.In the era of big data,every domain of human’s social life,even the mode of thinking,has been transformed significantly.However,when the big data technology entirely penetrates the field of cultural production especially inducts the cultural production depending on the demand forecasting techniques,it would inevitably lead to a worry about value of the cultural production.This paper formulates that the cultural production’s essence in the era of big data remains for the purpose of maximizing profit of commercial manipulation based on the modeling analysis of cultural production mechanism in the big data times.If the tendency is not corrected,the two main factors of cultural consumerism prevalence and the instrumental reason dictatorship will gradually deconstruct the ultimate value of cultural production and bring about the alienation of human being.For the sake of avoiding the trend,we should cope with two relationships:one is the people as a means and as a purpose;the other is the instrumental reason and the value rationality,finally giving rise to human’s comprehensive and free development rather than human alienation.