Current practice for intraocular lens(IOL) exchange is to cut the optic of the posterior chamber intraocular lens(PCIOL) prior to removing it. Great care must be taken during this maneuver to avoid a posterior capsular tear.Removing the haptics from the fibrosed capsule can also be hazardous, as it may result in zonular stress and dehiscence. A technique is described for performing foldable(one-piece acrylic) IOL removal without cutting the optic. Careful visco-dissection of the haptics with a low viscosity ophthalmic viscosurgical device(OVD) in the fibrosed peripheral capsular tunnel avoids zonular or capsular stress. Internal wound enlargement permits foldable IOL removal in one piece, whilst preserving a self-sealing sutureless corneal wound. This technique may enhance the safety and efficacy of foldable IOL exchange.