The aim of the study was to evaluate the behavioral signs of diabetic rats after treatment by Artemisia herba-alba (AHA) and insulin. Method: Based on the induction of diabetes in wistar rats by intraperitoneal (I/P) injection of 60 mg/kg streptozotocin (STZ), then treated by AHA as 20 mg (I/P) and insulin subcutaneously (S/C). The samples of rats were: 1) Diabetic control, 2) Injected with insulin, 3) Injected with AHA, 4) Non diabetic rats, which were fostered for 21 day;then weighted and the behavioral tests were conducted. Results: The board hole tests (BHT) showed that: the induced diabetes reduced the cognition of the rats in view of Latency of the First Head Dipping (LFHD) in seconds, number of head dipping (NHD) and duration of head dipping (DHD) by 49.3%, while it’s improved in AHA and insulin treated rats by 52% and 69% in average respectively. The exploratory activity reduced in diabetic rats by 36%, while AHA and Insulin treated rats increased by 53% and 72% respectively. The rearing test showed an increase of anxiety among diabetic in form of duration of rearing, number of rearing and time spend in center by 51.7% in average respectively, while the anxiety reduced after treatment by AHA and insulin by 39% and 47.3% in average respectively. Also the diabetes increased the depression state by 106%, while the treatment by AHA and insulin reduced the depression state by 77% and 88% respectively. And VPT showed that: motor impairment occurred in diabetic cases and improved after AHA and insulin treatment.