Mr. Gyesang Chugye has dedicated to the collection, collation and research 0f traditional Tibetan music for more than 30 years, and has published more than 60 academic papers, of which, 0ne written about the style, regional characteristics and types of the folk songs of the Ngari Prefecture in Tibet and many other papers have been highly praised by scholars at home and abroad. He has served as an editor—in — chief 0f “Coilecti0n 0f the Tibetan Folk Songs” and “Collection of Instrumental Music”.which are national key scientific research projects of arts. From the perspective 0f regional cuhure, this article probes into the formation of the style area of the Tibetan music. the style features of the Five Music Regions, each category's distribution,the relati0nshiD between the style areas, the inheritance and development of the traditional ethnic music, and temple music.