In this paper, we have evaluated the multispectral module implemented in the CARTOMORPH software, which is a public domain software under development by the mathematical morphology research group at FCT/UNESP. The aim of CARTOMORPH is to provide an open software with feature extraction methods and a library that contains a variety of implemented code (functions) that can be easily operated by users through graphical interface. The multispectral image processing system has been developed to allow feature discrimination by operations between bands from Remote Sensing images. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was selected to be implemented on CARTOMORPH because of its acknowledged performance for monitoring of vegetation and cartographic applications. The experiments were applied to multispectral bands from Quick Bird image and the results were compared with those provided by the SPRING and ENVI software. Former is a Brazilian free software, developed by National Institute for Space Research-INPE and dedicated to image processing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis, as well as ENVI, which is a traditional remote sensing image analysis system. The results prove that the implementation of this module is correct, allowing potential usage in the field of cartography and for environmental applications.