The nonlinear diffusion equation for a binary system interdiffusion was analytically solved in the previous work. The theoretical relation of Kirkendall effect was also derived in the previous work. These new results have not yet been concretely applied to actual diffusion problems. In the present work, it is revealed that the previous results reproduce the experimental concentration profile by taking account of the movement of diffusion region space. It is thus actually confirmed that any problems of binary system interdiffusion can be solved by the new analytical method if even diffusivities of self-diffusion and impurity diffusion in the materials concerned are given. The method for solving interdiffusion problems of many elements system, which is extremely important for the development of new useful materials, is also reasonably discussed. Further, it is revealed that the concept of intrinsic diffusion is unsuitable for the diffusion theory. The fundamental theory of diffusion discussed here will be useful for analyzing actual diffusion problems in future.