Field experiments were conducted at the experimental farm Cocoa Re-search Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) Sub-Station, Ochaja, in the Southern Guinea Savannaagro ecological zone of Nigeria to examine uptake and use efficien-cies of nutrients by Sesame and Bambara nut alley crops as influenced by manuring in a Cashew-based intercropping system. Experimental treatments were based on responses of sole and intercrop mixtures of Sesame and Bam-bara nut alley crops to Cocoa Pod Husk (CPH), pelletized organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer in a cashew-based intercropping system. Data were collected on the growth and yield variables of the alley crops. Highest nitrogen harvest in-dex (NHI) for seed and leaf of alley crops were obtained from un-manure treated plants. Cocoa pod husk (CPH) significantly enhanced P uptake com-pared with other fertilizers applied. CPH improved Na, Ca, Mg Zn, Cu, P, K and carbohydrate in the leaves and Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, crude fibre and car-bohydrate contents of seeds of sole crops while Sesame + Bambara had en-hanced contents of N, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, P, N, K, moisture, protein, and crude fi-bre, crude protein, moisture content in leaves. The effects of NPK were signifi-cant for N, K Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, P, moisture and crude fibre, while in the un-manure (control) plots influenced N, fat and protein and nitrogen harvest index (NHI) of leaf and seeds. CPH and NPK fertilizers enhanced nutrient up-take and nitrogen harvest index of alley crops. Nutrient uptake was similar for the varieties of Sesame and Bambara nut as affected by the application of 4.84 and 9.68 Kg pelletized organic fertilizer. Sole Bambara had higher N and K concentration in leaves compared with Bambara +Sesame. In addition, sole Bambara had higher values of Physiology efficiency (PE), and fertilizer use ef-ficiency (FAE) compared to the mixed crops of Bambara + sesame. However, physiology efficiency (PE), and fertilizer use efficiency (FAE) were significantly lower for Bambara + Sesame. The un-manure plants had enhanced N, P and K uptake