The acceleration in the rate of chronic disease that involves insulin resistance has become of concern in various countries. The rate of the most prevalent chronic diseases involves the metabolic syndrome and non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) that is closely associated to diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. Biotherapeutics and nutritional biotherapy have become important to reverse these global diseases. Biotherapeutics that involves Indian spice therapy requires assessment with relevance to insulin therapy, immunotherapy, antimicrobial therapy and drug therapeutics. Combined insulin therapy and Indian spice therapy regulates human insulin biological activity with relevance to the prevention of uncontrolled intracellular glucose levels and mitochondrial apoptosis. Biotherapeutics with nutritional biotherapy that involves the use of various nutrients such as magnesium and phosphatidylinositol (gm/day) is essential to insulin therapy. Factors such as stress, core body temperature and food quality influence biotherapeutics and Indian spice therapy with delayed spice clearance associated with mitochondrial dysfunction (cell apoptosis) and altered drug/caffeine therapy with relevance to the global diabetes pandemic.