Cryptography is the study that provides security service. It concerns with confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Public key cryptography provides an enormous revolution in the field of the cryptosystem. It uses two different keys where keys are related in such a way that, the public key can use to encrypt the message and private key can be used to decrypt the message. This paper proposed an enhanced and modified approach of RSA cryptosystem based on “n” distinct prime number. This existence of “n” prime number increases the difficulty of the factoring of the variable “N” which increases the complexity of the algorithm. In this approach, two different public key and private key generated from the large factor of the variable “N” and perform a double encryption-decryption operation which affords more security. Experiment on a set of a random number provided that the key generation time, analysis of variable “N”, encryption and decryption will take a long time compared to traditional RSA. Thus, this approach is more efficient, highly secured and not easily breakable.