Often the most brutal explosions of violence are admissions of impotence.Keeping this in mind,the author would like to bring to light the political terror of Joseph Stalin which was systematically disseminated on the Socialist Opposition lead by Leon Trotsky.In order to understand the brutal nature of the false trials and the numerous murders in the name of revolution,it is imperative to understand the degeneracy of the Soviet Union which has been analyzed very dialectically by Leon Trotsky.Paul Le Blanc notes that the socialism in one country perspective caused for all practical purposes a downgrade in the seriousness with which the Communist International was taken.Initially,established by Lenin and his comrades to build parties in countries all over the world,this theory was now being vulgarized and being transformed into a tool for the foreign policy of the bureaucratic brand of socialism which was being practiced by the Soviet Union.It is because of this theory that people who are not aware of the history and do not have a proper knowledge of dialectical analysis fail to analyze the Soviet Union.My paper talks about the violent construction of the myth of Trotskyism as a signifier signifying the betrayal to the big br(other)that is Stalin and exposing the bankruptcy and impotence of Stalinism.