There are two main theories about the origin of the Universe that show similitude with the Genesis writings, though in different verses: the Big Bang1 and the eternal Universe2 (an eventual quantum fluctuation). However, it is possible to partially include the quantum theory in the Big Bang thanks to the nature of photons, to obtain a simple model. It is assumed as the origin of the Universe (space, time, matter and physical laws). A subsequent enormous expansion has been explained by a supposed brief Inflation period, followed up today by a constant adiabatic expansion acceleration. This paper assumes that the Universe is the total Space which contains the Physical Universe covered by an external, empty Space, both expanding at a constant Hubble acceleration ΓH [1]. A Big Bang design is intended by a deduction of the energy and number of primeval photons, from the present CMB value;they would have reacted whether to generate the Physical Universe or to decay till the CMB level. It follows an approach to the Universe expansion work, based on the Hubble field (VH) as well as on Thermo-dynamics. They are calculated: the time and angular momentum required for the Physical Universe to reach the maximum internal velocity c as well as, simultaneously, a c tangential velocity. The Universe luminosity at different periods and the adequate expressions of parameters (Ω, q, k) are revised. It is proposed a modification in the equation of the H(t) parameter and the Ho value. The operator of convective derivative is applied to obtain an equation of continuity for the photonic energy;an adiabatic Jacobian gives similar results. This essay differs from others based on black box radiation, since the Universe has no walls and the photons energy decays continuously.