The present work concerns with ex-situ Conservation issues study of the three economical species Cyclamen vernum Sweet is a synonym of Cyclamen coum subsp.caucasicum(K.Koch)O.Schwarz(Primulaceae)Helleborus caucasicus A.Braun(Ranuculaceae)and Paeonia caucasica Schipcz)Schipcz.Is synonym of Paeonia dauricasubsp.Coriifolia(Rupr.)D.Y.Hong distribution in Georgia.These species are under strong anthropogenic stress,Its populations are collected in nature as a decorative and traditional medicinal properties.It is of urgent necessity to take conservation measures for these species through both ex-situ and in-situ protection methods.For this purpose it is of critical importance to collect data on the distribution of the above species and vitality and fertility of their populations.Processes of seed production and seed multiplication have been studied.The ex-situ base of the seed and live collection bank was created.The work is done in Great Britain within the framework of the“Millennium”Seed Bank Partnership of Kew Botanical Garden.The seeds are placed in the National Seed Bank,duplicates together with Herbarium sample are sent in the millennium seed bank.The live collection obtained from seeds is placed on the collection plot of Plant Conservation Department of the National Botanical Garden of Georgia.