Aim of this work is to try to explain, on a Rational basis, some equations of Electro-Magnetism, which are based on Experimental data. Any Electric Field can produce a Field of many small Electric Dipoles, continuously distributed in space. In a region, where the Electric Field is constant, in direction and magnitude, all the small Dipoles are parallel to the Electric Field, and are represented by a single, long, parallel to them, fixed in space, Electric Dipole, which is here called Compass. An Alternating current, in a straight Conductor, is studied, by a simple, short computer program, for step-by-step nonlinear dynamic analysis. It is found that, only an Alternating current, not a direct current, can produce an Electric Dipole, in a straight Conductor. The two above Dipoles (Compass-Conductor) are assumed with equal lengths ℓ, lying on two skew lines, perpendicular to each other, at a distance ℓ√2, thus forming, by their four ends, a Regular Tetrahedron, with side length ℓ. Repulsion, between Like Charges, obeys the simple Coulomb Electro-Static law. Whereas Interaction (Attraction or Repulsion), between Unlike Charges, obeys a more accurate Lennard-Jones law. The analysis of Dipole-Dipole (Compass-Conductor) Interaction is performed by hand calculator. The only out-of-balance forces, in the regular Tetrahedron, acting on the Rigid Conductor, are the so-called magnetic forces. Their direction is found, in a simple Rational way, with help of Regular Tetrahedron, without recoursing to a “right-hand-rule”. The proposed model is applied to 1) The force acting on an Electric Charge moving in a magnetic field. 2) The force acting on a Current carrying straight Conductor, due to a magnetic field. 3) The magnetic fields created around a Current carrying straight Conductor. In these applications, proposed model gives reasonable results. Particularly, in third application, results, obtained by proposed model, are found in satisfactory approximation with corresponding ones, obtained by an empiric