This study was conducted with the aim to record pathological conditions of the female genital tract of Red Sokoto (RS) and West African Dwarf (WAD) does with the objective of comparing the prevalence of genital tract pathology between the two breeds. Of the 211 (RS) and 221 (WAD) genital tract collected and examined, 104 (49.3%) of RS and 97 (43.3%) of WAD showed different types of pathological conditions. Highest occurrence of pathological conditions found in RS was in the uterus (38.4%), followed by those in the ovary (30.8%), cervix (6.6%), salpinx (6.2%) and vagina (1.4%) while in WAD, pathological conditions were highest in the uterus (28.1%), and followed by ovary (26.8%), salpinx (5.0%), cervix (2.2%) and vagina (0.5%). In RS and WAD does, respectively, endometritis (11.9% and 7.1%) was the most common pathology followed by ovaro-bursal adhesion (10.4% and 5.4%), inactive ovaries (4.3% and 4.9%), cystic Graffian follicles (4.2% and 2.2%), paraovarian cyst (3.3% and 3.1%), uterine haemorrhage (3.8% and 2.7%), and ovarian hypoplasia (2.4% and 4.5%). Other pathological conditions found in RS and WAD does include cervical lesions: cervicitis (2.8% and 1.8%), haemorrhage (3.2% and 0.5%);uterine lesions: hydrometra (1.9% and 1.3%), pyometra (2.8% and 1.8%), mucometra (2.8% and 3.6%), metritis (2.4% and 1.3%), post parturient metritis (2.8% and 1.8%), caruncular atrophy (1.4% and 0.5%), endometrial hyperplasia (1.0% and 1.8%), melanosis (1.9% and 1.8%), post parturient emphysematous metritis (1.4% and 2.2%), perimetritis (1.4% and 2.2%), uterine congestion (1.9% and 2.2%), oedema (1.0% and 0.5%) and Cysticercus tenuicolis cyst (0.5% and 0.5%);esophageal lesions: salpingitis (1.9% and 3.1%), hydrosalpinx (1.0% and 0.5%), tubo-bursal cyst (3.3% and 0.9%), ovarian lesions: cystic corpora lutea (2.8% and 1.8%), oophoritis (0.5% and 1.8%), and Cysticercus tenuicolis cyst (1.0% and 0.9%). Hyperaemia (0.5%) and calcification of cervical caudal rugae (0.5%) occurred in RS only. Genital lesions were not statistically diff