Objective: Radiotherapy is the main modality for treatment of malignancies, but radiation fibrosis is a severe side effect of radiotherapy which may cause severe dysfunction of patients. We design a new tr aditional Chinese her bal pr otocol, which is named as Anti-fibrosis 1, and use it in patients with severe radiation fibrosis. Methods: From Feb 2013 to Feb 2014, 23 patients with severe radiation fibrosis and apparent dysfunction were treated with anti-fib rosis 1. The re were 7 pa ti ents with nasopharyngeal car cinoma, 7 with oral cavity and oral pharyngeal carcinoma, 2 with pharyngeal carcinoma, 2 with breast carcinoma, 2 with esophageal carcinoma and 3 patients with pelvic malignancies. All patients received radiothe rapy at least 0.5-8 years ago, and 22 pa ti ents with complete response, but all patients suffered with severe radiation fibrosis. The radiation dosage was among 50-74Gy/25-37f/35-70d. Patients status of fibrosis and recovery of tissue and organ were evaluated after 0.5, 1.5 and 3 months of herbal treatment. Results: 22 of 23 patients were head and neck car cinoma, 20 pati ents had got par tial r elief afte r 15 days medication with anti-fib rosis 1, nea rly all pa ti ents had got appa rent r elief afte r 1.5 month of medication. But, there was no apparent difference between 1.5 month and 3 months group. There were no apparent side effects after the herbal treatment. Conclusions: The traditional Chinese herbal protocol anti-fibrosis 1 is an effective and safe modality for radiation fibrosis. And the apparent effect occurred after 1.5 month of herbal medication.