Objective: To analyze and discuss the quality of life of elderly patients with chronic diseases and its influencing factors. The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for targeted intervention of influencing factors of chronic diseases and improvement of the quality of life of patients. Methods: A total of 1000 elderly patients with chronic diseases in our health center were randomly selected as the study subject. Questionnaire survey was conducted by self-designed questionnaire. The SF-36 quality of life scale was used to evaluate their quality of life;and linear regression model was used to explore the relevant influencing factors. Result: The SF-36 score showed that there was a correlation between the six dimensions, including overall health, physiological function, somatic pain, vitality, social function and mental health, and the number of chronic diseases in elderly patients. With the increase of chronic diseases, the scores of each dimension showed a downward trend. Linear regression analysis showed that age, anxiety and poor sleep quality were the main factors affecting the quality of life in elderly patients with chronic diseases. Conclusion: The quality of life of elderly patients with chronic diseases in our city is poor. In community work, targeted nursing and intervention should be given according to the types of diseases suffered by the elderly.