Introduction: Civil unrest in the north-eastern part of Nigeria has led to displacement of populations and this has resulted in many negative health implications for the displaced persons. Internally displaced persons (IDP) often have poorer health outcomes than the general population due to limited access to health services and other basic amenities. Globally, Nigeria is among the countries with huge health inequalities resulting from unequal access to health services. This contextual issue is reflected in the living conditions of internally displaced populations in the country. A windshield survey was conducted in one of such IDP camps located in Kuchingoro, a central location in the federal capital territory of Nigeria, to describe the living conditions of the occupants and the implication for health outcomes. Objective: This article highlights the health issues faced by the internally displaced persons living in Kuchingoro, Abuja. This population was chosen because of the large size of the IDP camp and its strategic location in the federal capital territory of Nigeria. Conclusion: People living in the IDP camp of Kuchingoro are exposed to myriads of health issues as a result of poor access to clean water, hygiene facilities, foods with nutritional value and health services. The poor sanitary conditions of the camp often result in cholera outbreaks and other health issues. Women, the elderly and the very young are the most vulnerable to poor health outcomes as identified by the survey. Efforts should be made to improve the daily living conditions of the dwellers of the Kuchingoro IDP camp with particular emphasis on water, sanitation and hygiene and the provision of accessible and good quality health services. Government should also ensure the creation of employment opportunities towards empowering the occupants to improve their quality of life.