Introduction: The partial ventricular atrioventricular canal is a congenital heart malformation of the ostium primum type of variable surface that can reach the single atrium where the interatrial septum is no more than a cephalic muscular vestige attached to the roof of the atrium. His diagnosis at the age of 73 is not a common situation. The interest of this clinical case that we report lies in the peculiarity of its mode of discovery and its evolution under medical treatment. Observation. He was a 73-year-old patient with no known cardiovascular risk factor and has since been at about 18 years of age with heart failure syndrome with progressive dyspnea, cough and edema of the lower limbs, but never explored for lack of financial means, and the evolution was enamelled by episodes of cardiac decompensation, the last of which dated back to 03/07/2018 justifying a hospitalization in our service. Cardiac ultrasound shows a partial atrioventricular canal. The care was medical. Conclusion: The atrioventricular canal is a congenital heart disease complex of poor prognosis.