Introduction: The lateral extensile approach has been a widely accepted surgical approach in treatment of intraarticular calcaneal fracture. It provides good exposure for fixation by correcting the hindfoot varus, fracture reduction and restores calcaneal height but it has a high wound complication rate. Methods and materials: 36 intraarticular calcaneal fractures (Sanders II, III and IV) treated using the lateral extensile approach in 34 patients presenting between 2015 and 2018 were retrospectively reviewed. Wound complication in the early stage (day 1 to day 3), intermediate (2 weeks) and late (6 weeks) were documented. Results: We found early (Day 1 - Day 3) infection rate of 5.6%, intermediate (2 weeks) at 17.6% and late wound complication (6 weeks) at 2.9%. Conclusion: Lateral expansile approach is a reliable surgical exposure for fracture reduction of calcaneal fractures with acceptable wound related complication rate. Minimally invasive techniques and the sinus tarsi approach are being used for less comminuted fractures, but those techniques are technically more demanding. Smoking, long duration of surgery and soft tissue handling also play a role in increasing wound complication rates.