Introduction: The patients whose vital prognosis is immediately threatened by one or several serious organs failures and consecutive to various pathologies are admitted in resuscitations (IUC). The rates of morbi-mortality are raised in Africa. Objective: To study the prognostic factors. Patient and Methods: It was about a transverse survey from January 2015 to April 2016 in the unit of polyvalent resuscitation of the service of anesthesia resuscitation of the academic hospital center of Gabriel Toure. It included all patient admitted for medico-surgical pathologies of more than three hours of hospitalization. It was about a consecutive recruitment of case. The Chi2 and Fisher tests were used for the comparison of our results with a p value = 0.05 considered as meaningful. The consent of the patients or parents was gotten. The survey didn’t include a potentially dangerous act. Results: During the period, 624 patients have been collected of which: 50.4% were medical pathologies, 19.4% surgical pathologies and 30.2% of gynéco-obstetric pathologies. At least a complication had occurred in 11.2%. Mortality was of 27%. The sex-ratio was of 0.51. The middle age was of 31.88 ± 17, 2 years with extremes of 2 years and 80 years. The met complications were: the scab, the syndrome of acute respiratory distress (ARD), the urinary infection, the pneumopathie, the shock, thrust hypertensive, stops cardio circulatory with respectively 35.1%, 26.6%, 22.3%, 6.4% and 3.2%. The middle length of stays was of 4.83 ± 5.32 days with extremes of 1 day to 29 days. Conclusion: The complications under hospitalization in unit (IUC) of resuscitation in Mali are a major challenge in term of prevention and management. The potentially non serious pathologies complicate themselves and compromise the vital prognosis.