Angiosperm evolved and diversified during Cretaceous. During this course of evolution and radiation, various pollen of uncertain origin had evolved. Aquilapollenites represents the early stock of angiosperms attaining its acme with respect to diversity and dominance during Campanian and Maastrichtian age. It was globally present (except Antarctica) however more dominant in northern hemisphere (Canada, North America, Sakhlain Oblast and China). In India, the Aquilapollenites sp. is present in Maastrichtian aged deposits. The pollen affinity has been associated with Loranthaceae and Santalaceae plant families. Here, a comparative description of all the Aquilapollenites sp. comprising a wide range of morphological diversity has been discussed. The wider morphological diversity and ecological adaptability of Aquilapollenites sp. infer that it is globally significant and warrants a more detailed study.