The Luanping Basin of northern Hebei, North China, is well known for its continuous nonmarine Lower Cretaceous deposits and the preservation of the Jehol Biota. However, there are still some controversies about the stratigraphic correlation in these regions. Here we report some advances on the study of the nonmarine ostracods of Luanping, focusing on its biostratigraphical utility. Preliminary results indicate that the nonmarine ostracods from Luanping Basin consist of 17 genera and around 44 species. The ostracod assemblages of the Dabeigou, Dadianzi and Xiguayuan formations of this Basin can be assigned to the Luanpingella-Ocrocypris-Eoparacypris (Late Valanginian-Early Hauterivian age), Cypridea-Timiriasevia-Daurina (Late Huaterivian-Barremian age) and Cypridea-Limnocypridea-Lycopterocypris (Aptian stage) zones, respectively. This temporary framework can be served as a stratigraphic correlation tool in northern Hebei, as well as contributed to a better understanding of the evolution of the Jehol Biota.