The English language is unique in the sense that the writing rules are stringent and unbending.The rules generally and the rules of capitalization particularly have practically been set in stone for centuries.Capital letters help us understand what we read and others understand what we have written.It is also about giving elegance to a text.To clarify meaning in your writing you have to consider the capitalization rules.However,in the world of imagery the accepted rules are not always taken into account.Capital letters become graphic stylistic devices containing a diverse semantic meaning when the rules are disregarded.This case may make a big difference in the interpretation of a sentence since capitalization helps to convey information.What happens when complete words are capitalized?Completely capitalized words become great tools for transmitting the right message to a reader.Particularly only modern writes have taken advantage of manipulating and exploiting capital letters as graphic devices and by doing that helping readers to infer the author’s message.