One of the features of Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the deployment of femtocells as the underlain cell of a macrocell without any intervention of frequency planning to offload the traffic. In this paper we used Markov chain to derive the expression of blocking probability for both macro and femtocell in terms of traffic parameters of the network. We developed an analytical model to find the expression of probability of forced termination (FT) using combination of mobility model and probability tree considering low dense femtocellular network. Two different trees were designed: a newly originating call which starts its session in a femtocell and that of in a macro cell. The link parameters of small scale fading of wireless network under Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) are combined with the proposed traffic model to get the probability of FT of a real-life network. A new state transition chain was also developed including its solution for LTE traffic of variable bandwidth (BW) and a comparison was made with Erlang’s traffic model.