养殖尾水是养殖过程中产生的含有大量残饵、粪便的污水,其中氮磷元素的含量较为丰富,直接排放到水环境中容易导致水体富营养化,引起继发性的生态问题。海水鱼类工厂化养殖是我国《全国渔业发展第十三个五年规划(2016~2020)》中提倡鼓励发展的养殖方式之一。但由于其集约化程度高,对养殖尾水的处理技术要求较高。本文综述了目前我国海水鱼类工厂化养殖尾水处理常用的技术,并分析了各种技术的优缺点,以期为海水鱼类工厂化养殖尾水的处理技术的发展提供参考。The tail water of aquaculture is one kind of waste water which contains a lot of residual bait and feces. It is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, and it is easily to cause water eutrophication and sec-ondary ecological problems if tail water discharged into water environment directly. Factory aq-uaculture of marine fish is one of the encouraged aquaculture methods in the 13th five-year plan for national fishery development (2016~2020). However, due to the high intensification, the technical requirements for the treatment of farming tail water are higher. In order to provide reference for the development of the treatment technology of the tail water from the factory, it was summarized on the common technologies for the treatment of the tail water, and the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies are also analyzed in this paper.