The monitoring of the Booted Eagles Hieraaetus pennatus in Armenia,conducted during 2003-2019 shows that the species breeds in northern,north-eastern,central,southern,and south-eastern regions,inhabiting various deciduous and mixed woodlands at elevation range 1,200-2,300 m above sea level.The area of occupancy makes 5,110 km2.According to the last estimation,there are 48-72 breeding pairs of Booted Eagles in the country.The population trend during 2003-2019 demonstrates stability(p>0.05,n=21).Among 24 cases of three nests observed during 2011-2018,in 20 cases(83%)the nest consisted of two hatchlings,however in 11 nests out of those 20(55%)the older and stronger nestling was killing the younger and weaker one.The average breeding success makes 1.33±0.28 fledglings per occupied nest.Our questioning of hunters shows that poaching can be a threat for the species due to low level of education of local hunters.The present conservation measures are not enough.The conservation status of the species should remain the same:Vulnerable D1,but the proposed conservation measures should include:(1)nation-wide educational program on raptors;(2)increase of punishments for illegal hunting and trapping of the species;(3)setting up a state exam for the hunters to check their knowledge;(4)strengthening of Inspectorate for Nature Protection and Mineral Resources;(5)assisting farmers and pigeon breeders to improve facilities for protection of domestic birds.The continuous monitoring of the species remains essential to track its further population trend,and to indicate the efficiency of undertaken conservation measures.