With nine main theses that are interspersed with each other,this paper explores and articulates some of the most important questions in natural law theory.The theses include:Ⅰ.In investigating facts,one finds reasons to choose an honest self-discipline;Ⅱ.Deliberating,one finds reasons similarly directing one to other intrinsic goods;Ⅲ.Taken integrally,these goods and principles acquire the force of moral precepts;Ⅳ.Those precepts,natural moral law,depict our nature(humanity)in its flourishing;Ⅴ.Nature and natures are best explained by free,intelligent transcendent creation;Ⅵ.Creation and other gifts past and present deserve our gratitude;Ⅶ.Natural moral law and historical revelation are two channels of information;Ⅷ.Secular and spiritual communities are distinct and respectfully self-governing;Ⅸ.Natural moral law defines human rights but rightfully extends beyond them.