Background The radial forearm skin flap (RFSF) was first introduced by the Chinese scholar Guofan Yang and has since been used for nearly 40 years. The many advantages of RFSF have been investigated in this study.Case presentation In this case, a female patient underwent RFSF surgery in 1979. In 2016 and 2018, two interviews were held to evaluate her subjective postoperative experience. In addition, overall donor site evaluation was conducted based on general health checkups and tests; tests for appearance, tactile sensitivity, muscle strength, and motor function; and CTA. Results The flap survived well, and the donor site recovered without hand necrosis in the 1970s. In 2018, the patient was in good health condition and expressed her satisfaction with the surgery. The patient did not suffer from any postoperative complications such as diminished sensation of the donor site or donor site dysfunction; in the evaluation of hand and finger function, there was no point where functional reduction of the donor site was noted. CTA revealed compensatory blood supply with enlargement in the diameter of the ulnar and interosseous artery. Conclusion After a nearly 40-year follow-up, the patient who underwent the first free radial forearm flap transplantation expressed satisfaction with the operative outcomes. The examination showed good results at the recipient site with little donor site deformities and good compensatory blood supply.