In recent decades, there has been an increasing population of international students enrolling into universities ofEnglish-speaking countries. In order to meet entry requirements of university admission, most students have to beequipped with language proficiency through various of preparing approaches, mainly International EnglishLanguage Testing System (IELTS) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. This essay attempts toexamine the perception of Chinese international students studying in Bond University English Language Institute(BUELI) of Bond University, Australia, investigating their perception and outcome of language preparation fortheir future academic studies. Data used in this investigation were collected through face-to-face interviews among130 Chinese students at Bond on the track of academic study. It is expected to find out which is a reliable predictorto the success of academic studies, EAP programs or IELTS preparations. This information would be valuable forfurther linguistic, academic, and social support programs as a means to make the benefits of EAP or IELTSavailable for the greater international student population.