篇名 | Relativistic Reduction of the Electron-Nucleus Force in Bohr’s Hydrogen Atom and the Time of Electron Transition between the Neighbouring Quantum Energy Levels | ||
来源期刊 | 现代物理(英文) | 学科 | 物理学 |
关键词 | Hydrogen Atom The Bohr Model Lorentz Transformation Done with the Aid of the Electron Orbital Speed Maxwell Equation Applied to Calculate the Time Interval of Electron Transitions between Two Quantum Energy Levels Comparison with the Joule-Lenz Law for Energy Emission | ||
年,卷(期) | 2020,(6) | 所属期刊栏目 | |
研究方向 | 页码范围 | 944-951 | |
页数 | 8页 | 分类号 | O41 |
字数 | 语种 | ||