The primary cesarean section rate is defined as the percentage of cesarean deliveries out of all births to women who have not had a previous cesarean delivery. Cesarean section rates steadily increased during the last two decades due to various indications. This is a retrospective study conducted at Dubai Hospital at DHA, Dubai UAE from January 2017 to December 2017, the data were collected using special data collection sheet and analyzed by Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The rate of primary cesarean section is 15.4% with fetal distress being the most common cause primary cesarean section. 66% of the performed cases were primigravida. 85% were done as emergency cases. Women aged 36 - 40 years were the common age group among the studied cases. Primary cesarean sections are the driving force behind the overall rate of cesarean sections and cause an increase in morbidity in future pregnancies.