篇名 | The Clinical Features and Outcomes of Four Neonates Born to Mothers with a Severe Form of COVID-19 and a Positive RT-PCR for SARS Co-V2 in Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital in Cameroon | ||
来源期刊 | 儿科学期刊(英文) | 学科 | 医学 |
关键词 | COVID-19 Infected Mothers Premature Newborns Severe Respiratory Distress Outcome Cameroon | ||
年,卷(期) | 2020,(4) | 所属期刊栏目 | |
研究方向 | 页码范围 | 642-651 | |
页数 | 10页 | 分类号 | R72 |
字数 | 语种 | ||