The protection of traditional village landscape is of great significance for inheriting traditional culture and keeping nostalgia.Taking the traditional villages in Ningbo as the research object,the mode of landscape protection of traditional villages based on the perspective of regional landscape was discussed.This study not only paid attention to the protection of material landscape,but also emphasized the protection of cultural belief and custom landscape,and transformed the intangible cultural belief and custom heritage into material landscape and it not only paid attention to the landscape protection with clear space mechanism of the clan courtyard,but also innovated the landscape space protection with relatively fuzzy space mechanism of the clan courtyard,and adopted different protection methods according to the clarity degree of the courtyard mechanism.In view of the village market space landscape,not only the single dependent architectural landscape protection was considered,but also the linear space landscape protection was emphasized.The idea and method of protection put forward show the historical existence of the value of ancient villages and better reflect the contemporary significance of "remembering nostalgia".