<p> <b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Introduction: </span></b><span style="font-family:""><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Female genital fistula (FGF), remains a world concern, especially in low developed country. Obstructive (blocked) delivery labor is his principal cause, sometimes by pelvic surgery (urogenital or obstetrical, rectal) more rarely by congenital urogenital malformation, excision, pelvic neoplasm, pelvic radiotherapy. We were interested in iatrogenic FGF treated in the special referral fistula center. </span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Methodology: </span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">We report 35 cases of iatrogenic female genital fistula. Are included only cases by urogenital surgery, excision in the National Referal Center of Obstetrical Fistula. Were not included cases happened by over 12 hours blocked delivery labor, caustic destruction, pelvic cancer pelvic infection and those with incomplete file. The epidemiologic, clinical and therapeutic information were studied. All ethical protocols were respected. </span><b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Results: </span></b><span style="font-family:Verdana;">CNRFO recorded 743 cases of female genital fistula from May 23 2013 to May 23 May 2018 within 35 iatrogenic cases (4.71%). Patients were 19 - 29 years old (42.85%), average age 35 years old, extremes 19 - 60 years, without occupation (82.86), grand multiparous 48.57%, with a mean of 4 previous deliveries. The principal constancies were hysterectomies 71.43%, caesarean section 17.14%, genital excision 11.42%, and cystocele cure 11.42%. The anatomical finds were soft vagina tissue 97.14% uretero-vaginal fistula 45.71% (2 cases post Caesarean, 14 cases post hysterectomy), vesico-vaginal 31.43% (all post hysterectomy), ureteral 11.42% (all post caesarean), 1 vesico-uterine 5.71% (case post caesarean), 1 case after a cystocele cure, 2 uretro-vaginal 11.42% secondary of genital excision. Treatment was ureteral reimplantation (18/31) cases by abdominal way, fistulorraphy (1