Enhanced stability of Pt/Al2O3 modified by Zn promoter for catalytic dehydrogenation of ethane
Enhanced stability of Pt/Al2O3 modified by Zn promoter for catalytic dehydrogenation of ethane
Catalytic ethane dehydrogenation(EDH)to ethylene over Pt-based catalysts has received increasing in-terests in recent years as it is a potential alternative route to conventional steam cracking.However,the catalysts used in this reaction often suffer from rapid deactivation due to serious coke deposition and metal sintering.Herein,we reported the effects of Zn modification on the stability of Pt/Al2O3 for EDH.The Zn-modified sample(PtZn2/Al2O3)exhibits stable ethane conversion(20%)with over 95% ethylene se-lectivity.More importantly,it exhibits a significantly low deactivation rate of only 0.003 h-1 at 600 ℃ for 70 h,which surpasses most of previously reported catalysts.Detailed characterizations including in situ FT-IR,ethylene adsorption microcalorimetry,and HAADF-STEM etc.reveal that Zn modifier reduces the number of Lewis acid sites on the catalyst surface.Moreover,it could modify Pt sites and preferentially cover the step sites,which decrease surface energy and retard the sintering of Pt particle,then prohibit-ing the further dehydrogenation of ethylene to ethylidyne.Consequently,the good stability is realized due to anti-sintering and the decrease of coke formation on the PtZn2/Al2O3 catalyst.