The conventional Li–O2 battery (LOB) has hardly been considered as a next-generation flexible electronics thus far, since it is bulk, inflexible and limited by the absence of an adjustable cell configuration. Here, we present a flexible Li–O2 cell using N-doped carbon nanocages grown onto the carbon textiles (NCNs/CTs) as a self-standing and binder-free O2 electrode. The highly flexible NCNs/CTs exhibits an excellent me-chanic durability, a promising catalytic activity towards the ORR and OER, a considerable cyclability of more than 70 cycles with an overpotential of 0.36 V on the 1st cycle at a constant current density of 0.2 mA/cm2, a good rate capability, a superior reversibility with formation and decomposition of desired Li2O2, and a highly electrochemical stability even under stringent bending and twisting conditions. Our work represents a promising progress in the material development and architecture design of O2 elec-trode for flexible LOBs.