Towards gauge unified,supersymmetric hidden strong dynamics
Towards gauge unified,supersymmetric hidden strong dynamics
We consider a class of models with extra complex scalars that are charged under both the Standard Mod-el and a hidden strongly coupled S U(N)H gauge sector and discuss the scenarios in which the new scalars are identi-fied as the messenger fields that mediate the spontaneously broken supersymmetries from the hidden sector to the visible sector.The new scalars are embedded into 5-plets and 10-plets of an SU(5)v gauge group that potentially unifies the Standard Model gauge groups.The Higgs bosons remain as elementary particles.In the supersymmet-rized version of this class of models,vector-like fermions whose left-handed components are superpartners of the new scalars are introduced.Owing to the hidden strong force,the new low-energy scalars hadronize before decaying and thus evade the common direct searches of the supersymmetric squarks.This can be seen as a gauge mediation scenario with the scalar messenger fields forming low-energy bound states.We also discuss the possibility that in the tower of bound states formed under hidden strong dynamics(of at least the TeV scale),there exist a dark matter can-didate and the collider signatures(e.g.diphoton,diboson,or dijet)of models that may show up in the near future.