Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are developing a coal pillar rib rating (CPRR) technique to measure the integrity of coal ribs. The CPRR characterizes the rib composition and evaluates its impact on the inherent stability of the coal ribs. The CPRR utilizes four parameters: rib homogeneity, bedding condition, face cleat orientation with respect to entry direction, and rib height. All these parameters are measurable in the field. A rib data collecting procedure and a sim-ple sheet to calculate the CPRR were developed. The developed CPRR can be used as a rib quality mapping tool in underground coal mines and to determine the potential of local rib instabilities and support requirements associated with overburden depth. CPRR calculations were conducted for 22 surveyed solid coal ribs, mainly composed of coal units. Based on this study, the rib performance was classified into four categories. A preliminary minimum primary rib support density (PRSD) line was obtained from these sur-veyed cases. Two sample cases are presented that illustrate the data collection form and CPRR calculations.