Introduction:The therapeutic nurse patient relationship is viewed as central or foundational to the practice of nursing.Such relationship not only improve patients’physical and emotional state but also facilitate their adjustments to their illness,ease pain and can ultimately lead to a good health experience.Methodology:The pre experimental one group pre test post test study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse-patient communication among the staff nurses working in SGT Hospital,Haryana.Total 30 study participants were selected by convenient sampling technique and Data were collected by using a structured knowledge questionnaire.Result:The findings of the study revealed that half of the participants 50%had average and poor knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication in the pre test.Similarly,the post test scores depicted that majority(63%)had average knowledge and 37%had good knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.Most of the demographic variable was not significantly associated with level of pre knowledge of staff nurses regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.Only staff nurses years of experience P=0.021 were found to statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance.There was significant difference between the knowledge of staff nurses before and after the implementation of structured teaching programme(t=11.844,P=0.0001).Conclusion:It was concluded that structured teaching programme was effective strategy which can help to increase their knowledge regarding therapeutic nurse patient communication.