With the rapid development of low alloy steel strength level, more problems caused by welding are exposed day by day. Re-cently, the efforts have been paid to improve or enchance the low toughness of heated affected zone and welded metal which can enchance the comprehensive mechanical properties that is the core scientific problems of its safe operation by researching crack initiation and crack propragation attracted a rapidly growing interest. This article focuses on the research status and progress of welding technology and joint mi-crostructure and properties of advanced steel materials. The influence of shielding gas on the microstructure evolution of deposited metals, the effect heat input of welded joint performance, interpass temperature and alloy elements on welded joints microstructure and M-A con-stituent evolution and properties are reviewed in detail. And for the heat affected zone, the grain size and microstructure as well as the shape, size, and distribution of M-A constituent, have a significant impact on the impact toughness. This paper is an attempt to review the effect of different welding process parameters on welded metal and HAZ of HSLA steels.