Anterograde viral tracers are powerful and essential tools for dissecting the output targets of a brain region of interest.They have been developed from herpes simplex virus 1(HSV-1)strain H129(H129),and have been successfully applied to map diverse neural circuits.Initially,the anterograde polysynaptic tracer H129-G4 was used by many groups.We then developed the first monosynaptic tracer,H129-dTK-tdT,which was highly successful,yet improvements are needed.Now,by insert-ing another tdTomato expression cassette into the H1 29-dTK-tdT genome,we have created H129-dTK-T2,an updated version of H129-dTK-tdT that has improved labeling intensity.To help scientists produce and apply our H129-derived viral tracers,here we provide the protocol describing our detailed and standardized proce-dures.Commonly-encountered technical problems and their solutions are also discussed in detail.Broadly,the dissemination of this protocol will greatly support scien-tists to apply these viral tracers on a large scale.