A feasible strategy for realizing the Majorana fermions is searching for a simple compound with both bulk superconductivity and Dirac surface states.In this paper,we perform calculations of electronic band structure,the Fermi surface,and the surface states,and measure the resistivity,magnetization,and specific heat of a TlSb compound with a CsCl-type structure.The band structure calculations show that T1Sb is a Dirac semimetal when spin-orbit coupling is considered.TlSb is first determined to be a type-II superconductor with Tc=4.38 K,Ho1(0) =148 Oe,Hc2(0)=1.12 T,and KGL =10.6.We also confirm that TlSb is a moderately coupled s-wave superconductor.Although we cannot determine the band near the Fermi level EF that is responsible for superconductivity,its coexistence with topological surface states implies that the TlSb compound may be a simple material platform to realize the fault-tolerant quantum computations.