随着中国人口自然增长率下降,人口老龄化已成为严峻的社会问题,其中高龄空巢独居老人的养老更是困难重重,养老问题的根本在于如何解决老年人的温饱。与此同时,超市、快餐店等剩余食物浪费现象严重,国内缺少相应的食物回收机构。所以我们提出了“食物回收 + 养老援助”模式,希望通过这种方式改善高龄独居空巢老人的吃饭问题。With the decline of China’s natural population growth rate, population aging has become a serious social problem, among which the elderly empty nest living alone elderly is more difficult to support the elderly, and the fundamental problem of the pension is how to solve the elderly food and clothing. At the same time, supermarkets, fast food and other surplus food waste phenomenon are serious, and there is the lack of the corresponding food recycling institutions. Therefore, we pro-posed the mode of “food recovery + endowment assistance”, hoping to improve the feeding problem of elderly empty nesters living alone by this way.