This research estimates carbon sink and alloca-tion in above- and below-ground biomass of a 12-year-old willow coppice plantation on fluvisol soil near the Vistula River (southern Poland).The plantation showed high C sink potential and sequestration rates.C sequestration by above-ground biomass was estimated at 10.8 Mg C ha-1 a-1.Accu-mulation in coarse roots was estimated at 1.5 Mg C ha-1 a-1 and in fine roots at 1.2 Mg C ha-1 a-1.Total C seques-tered (above-ground biomass,coarse roots and fine roots)was estimated at 13.5 Mg C ha-1 a-1.These results con-firm the potential of fast-growing plantations of willow to mitigate,over a short time span,the effects of high CO2 concentrations.