Investigating bottom-quark Yukawa interaction at Higgs factory
Investigating bottom-quark Yukawa interaction at Higgs factory
Measuring the fermion Yukawa coupling constants is important for understanding the origin of the fer-mion masses and their relationship with spontaneously electroweak symmetry breaking.In contrast,some new phys-ics(NP)models change the Lorentz structure of the Yukawa interactions between standard model(SM)fermions and the SM-like Higgs boson,even in their decoupling limit.Thus,the precise measurement of the fermion Yukawa interactions is a powerful tool of NP searching in the decoupling limit.In this work,we show the possibility of in-vestigating the Lorentz structure of the bottom-quark Yukawa interaction with the 125 GeV SM-like Higgs boson for future e+e~colliders.