This paper is concerned with the generation of gravity waves due to prescribed initial axisymmetric disturbances created at the surface of an ice sheet covering the ocean with a porous bottom. The ice cover is modeled as a thin elastic plate, and the bottom porosity is described by a real parameter. Using linear theory, the problem is formulated as an initial value problem for the velocity potential describing the motion. In the mathematical analysis, the Laplace and Hankel transform techniques have been used to obtain the depression of the ice-covered surface in the form of a multiple infinite integral. This integral is evaluated asymptotically by the method of stationary phase twice for a long time and a large distance from the origin. Simple numerical computations are performed to illustrate the effect of the ice-covered surface and bottom porosity on the surface elevation, phase velocity, and group velocity of the surface gravity waves. Mainly the far-field behavior of the progressive waves is observed in two different cases, namely initial depression and an impulse concentrated at the origin. From graphical representations, it is clearly visible that the presence of ice cover and a porous bottom decreases the wave amplitude. Due to the porous bottom, the amplitude of phase velocity decreases, whereas the amplitude of group velocity increases.