Filtration tests were conducted on a granular bed filter with layered drawers filled with corundum par-ticles with sizes between either 1 mm and 1.5 mm or 2 mm and 3 mm or with quartz sand particles with sizes between 0.125 mm and 1.5 mm.Filtration velocity,filter particle thickness,and filter particle size were all found to influence the filtration efficiency and the pressure drop of both the fixed granular bed and the layered-drawer granular bed.Granular strata with different thickness ratios also strongly influ-enced the filtration efficiency and pressure drop.For a granular bed with two sizes of filter particles,the coarse granules in the upper layer capture dust with large particle sizes,while the fine granules in the lower layer capture dust with smaller particle sizes that passes through the filter cake and upper layer.Optimal operating conditions were determined at which the filtration efficiency was found to be 99.42%with a bed pressure drop of 320 Pa.